Invisible Braces Center

Invisible Braces Center

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Invisalign is a newer way to straighten teeth. With new scanning technology, dentists can non-invasively scan your teeth and create a set of aligners that will slowly adjust your teeth to the optimal position. Created with a medical-grade polyurethane resin, the aligners are practically invisible, their edge riding the exact ridgeline of your teeth. Every aligner is a custom fit, made exactly for your teeth to slowly shift them into place. An updated method of teeth straightening is Invisalign. Dentists may now construct a set of aligners that will gradually move your teeth into the ideal position by non-invasively scanning your teeth with sophisticated scanning equipment. Made from medical-grade polyurethane resin, the aligners are so thin that their edges perfectly follow the contours of your teeth. Each aligner is specifically designed to suit your teeth and gradually move them into position.

For more details, please contact us at +919310609449

  • Invisible Braces Center in Tagore Park
  • Invisible Braces Center in Mukherjee Nagar
  • Invisible Braces Center in GTB Nagar
  • Invisible Braces Center in Ashok Vihar

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