Jaw Pain Treatment Clinic

Jaw Pain Treatment Clinic

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Many disorders, such as toothaches, gum disease, and teeth grinding, can cause jaw pain. Furthermore, jaw pain could be a sign of a more serious illness like a heart attack or a dislocated or fractured jaw. You have stiff temporomandibular joints. Your temporomandibular joints are located on either side of your face, just in front of your ears. They connect your lower jaw to your skull. Your temporomandibular joints allow you to move your lower jaw up and down as well as side to side.based on the reason behind your jaw ache. If your jaw is broken, surgery can be necessary. If you have periodontal disease or a tooth abscess that is causing problems for your jaw, you will need dental care.

For more details please contact us at +919310609449

  • Jaw Pain Treatment Clinic in Tagore Park
  • Jaw Pain Treatment Clinic in Mukherjee Nagar
  • Jaw Pain Treatment Clinic in GTB Nagar
  • Jaw Pain Treatment Clinic in Ashok Vihar

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