Tooth Coloured Fillings

Tooth Coloured Fillings

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One of the most popular forms of regular dental care to address dental cavities is dental fillings. This type of dental work is in high demand, thus there have been numerous advances that give patients more alternatives for treating tooth decay. Dental restorations that are tooth-colored are a cutting-edge update to the conventional metal fillings. Since they blend in well with the teeth and have a more natural appearance than amalgam fillings, which are darker and easier to spot, they are made to be discrete and unobtrusive. They can be used to fill and close off a cavity after the decayed part of the tooth has been removed as well as to help repair chipped or broken teeth. They are also known as composite fillings because they are made of a composite resin substance that can chemically adhere to the teeth. The teeth closest to the front of the mouth are treated with composite restorations. However, because molars sustain more wear than other teeth, and because of recent technological developments and the makeup of composite fillings, dentists are now able to employ tooth-colored fillings on them as well.

For more details please contact us at +919899551062

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